Pokemon Crystal: Hacking Wild Pokemon Encounters
Version 0.4
By Tzepish Tachman (Blaine Higdon), tzepish@scientist.com

Click here to go straight to the data tables.

Wanna' screw the game up? Here's how.

By the way, I'm gonna' assume you know hexadecimal and how to use a hex editor. If you don't, then, rats.

Each area has 21 possible wild pokemon encounters, 7 for each time period (Morning, Day, Night). The data for each encounter is stored in two bytes: the wild pokemon's level, the wild pokemon's number (pokedex number, converted to hex).
An example:

0B9B = Level 11 Cyndaquil
(11 = 0Bh, Cyndaquil's pokedex number is 155 = 9Bh)

Anyway, at each area, you'll find 21 entries like that above, each representing one of that area's encounters. The areas are separated from each other by some more hex... Let's look at an example. The pokemon data for Route 29, the game's first area, begins at 2AE02h.

0210 02A1 0310 03A1 0213 03BB 03BB 0210 02A1 0310 03A1 0213 03BB 03BB 02A3 0213 03A3 0313 0213 03A3 03A3 1A01 1919 19

The first 7 are the morning encounters, the second 7 are the day encounters, and the last are night encounters.

Let's interpret:

  • L2 Pidgey
  • L2 Sentret
  • L3 Pidgey
  • L3 Sentret
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoppip
  • L3 Hoppip
  • Day:
  • L2 Pidgey
  • L2 Sentret
  • L3 Pidgey
  • L3 Sentret
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoppip
  • L3 Hoppip
  • Night:
  • L2 Hoot Hoot
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoot Hoot
  • L3 Rattata
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoot Hoot
  • L3 Hoot Hoot
  • The 1A01 1919 19 entry acts to seperate Route 29's data from Route 30's. Immediately after that last 19 at the end of the Route 29 data, you'll find the first entry for Route 30, 03A5, L3 Ledyba. Each area is seperated by 1919 19 (sometimes 0505 05). The 1A01 preceding it is different for each area (it's 1A02 at the end of Route 30's data), but it's always there. I don't know what the differences mean, so it's probably wise to leave them alone.

    So far, it seems you only have to add 2Fh to each address to get the next area's address, though I'll probably need to investigate this further. For instance, where is the encounter data for Dark Cave? Will it come before or after some of the Routes? I'll have to sit down and mess with the data for a bit.

    Expect updates. In future versions, I will add to the data tables below. I'd also like to look into the data for the starting 3 pokemon choices. 39AF2h looks interesting.

    Email me for corrections, comments, etc.

    Here're all the data, and the meaning behind them:

  • Route 29: 2AE02h

    0210 02A1 0310 03A1 0213 03BB 03BB | 0210 02A1 0310 03A1 0213 03BB 03BB | 02A3 0213 03A3 0313 0213 03A3 03A3 | 1A01 1919 19

  • L2 Pidgey
  • L2 Sentret
  • L3 Pidgey
  • L3 Sentret
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoppip
  • L3 Hoppip
  • Day:
  • L2 Pidgey
  • L2 Sentret
  • L3 Pidgey
  • L3 Sentret
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoppip
  • L3 Hoppip
  • Night:
  • L2 Hoot Hoot
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoot Hoot
  • L3 Rattata
  • L2 Rattata
  • L3 Hoot Hoot
  • L3 Hoot Hoot

  • Route 30: 2AE31h

    03A5 030A 040A 0410 030D 04BB 04BB | 0310 030A 040A 0410 030D 04BB 04BB | 03A7 03A3 043C 04A3 0329 04A3 04A3 | 1A02 1919 19

  • L3 Ledyba
  • L3 Caterpie
  • L4 Caterpie
  • L4 Pidgey
  • L3 Weedle
  • L4 Hoppip
  • L4 Hoppip
  • Day:
  • L3 Pidgey
  • L3 Caterpie
  • L4 Caterpie
  • L4 Pidgey
  • L3 Weedle
  • L4 Hoppip
  • L4 Hoppip
  • Night:
  • L3 Spinarak
  • L3 Hoot Hoot
  • L4 Poliwag
  • L4 Hoot Hoot
  • L3 Zubat
  • L4 Hoot Hoot
  • L4 Hoot Hoot

  • Route 31: 2AE60h

    04A5 040A 0545 0510 040D 05BB 05BB | 0410 040A 0545 0510 040D 05BB 05BB | 04A7 043C 0545 05A3 0429 055C 055C | 0A01 1919 19

  • L4 Ledyba
  • L4 Caterpie
  • L5 Bellsprout
  • L5 Pidgey
  • L4 Weedle
  • L5 Hoppip
  • L5 Hoppip
  • Day:
  • L4 Pidgey
  • L4 Caterpie
  • L5 Bellsprout
  • L5 Pidgey
  • L4 Weedle
  • L5 Hoppip
  • L5 Hoppip
  • Night:
  • L4 Spinarak
  • L4 Poliwag
  • L5 Bellsprout
  • L5 Hoot Hoot
  • L4 Zubat
  • L5 Gastly
  • L5 Gastly

  • Route 32: 2AE8Fh

    0417 0513 0745 06BB 0710 07BB 07BB | 0417 0513 0745 06BB 0710 07BB 07BB | 04C2 0513 0745 0629 07A3 075C 075C | 0806 1919 19

  • L4 Ekans
  • L5 Rattata
  • L7 Bellsprout
  • L6 Hoppip
  • L7 Pidgey
  • L7 Hoppip
  • L7 Hoppip
  • Day:
  • L4 Ekans
  • L5 Rattata
  • L7 Bellsprout
  • L6 Hoppip
  • L7 Pidgey
  • L7 Hoppip
  • L7 Hoppip
  • Night:
  • L4 Wooper
  • L5 Rattata
  • L7 Bellsprout
  • L6 Zubat
  • L7 Hoot Hoot
  • L7 Gastly
  • L7 Gastly

  • Route 33: 2AEBEh

    0613 0615 064A 06BB 0717 07BB 07BB | 0613 0615 064A 06BB 0717 07BB 07BB | 0613 0629 064A 0629 0713 0713 0713 | 0B01 1919 19

  • L6 Rattata
  • L6 Spearow
  • L6 Geodude
  • L6 Hoppip
  • L7 Ekans
  • L7 Hoppip
  • L7 Hoppip
  • Day:
  • L6 Rattata
  • L6 Spearow
  • L6 Geodude
  • L6 Hoppip
  • L7 Ekans
  • L7 Hoppip
  • L7 Hoppip
  • Night:
  • L6 Rattata
  • L6 Zubat
  • L6 Geodude
  • L6 Zubat
  • L7 Rattata
  • L7 Rattata
  • L7 Rattata

  • Route 34: 2AEEDh

    0AD1 0B13 0C10 0A3F 0C27 0A84 0A84 | 0AD1 0B13 0C10 0A3F 0C27 0A84 0A84 | 0C60 0B13 0CA3 0A3F 0C27 0A84 0A84 | 0A02 1919 19

  • L10 Snubbull
  • L11 Rattata
  • L12 Pidgey
  • L10 Abra
  • L12 Jigglypuff
  • L10 Ditto
  • L10 Ditto
  • Day:
  • L10 Snubbull
  • L11 Rattata
  • L12 Pidgey
  • L10 Abra
  • L12 Jigglypuff
  • L10 Ditto
  • L10 Ditto
  • Night:
  • L12 Drowzee
  • L11 Rattata
  • L12 Hoot Hoot
  • L10 Abra
  • L12 Jigglypuff
  • L10 Ditto
  • L10 Ditto

  • Route 35: 2AF1Ch

    0CD1 0E10 0D3A 0A3F 0C27 0A84 0CC1 | 0CD1 0E10 0D3A 0A3F 0C27 0A84 0CC1 | 0C60 0EA3 0D36 0A3F 0C27 0A84 0CC1 | 0A03 1919 19

  • L12 Snubbull
  • L14 Pidgey
  • L13 Growlithe
  • L10 Abra
  • L12 Jigglypuff
  • L10 Ditto
  • L12 Yanma
  • Day:
  • L12 Snubbull
  • L14 Pidgey
  • L13 Growlithe
  • L10 Abra
  • L12 Jigglypuff
  • L10 Ditto
  • L12 Yanma
  • Night:
  • L12 Drowzee
  • L14 Hoot Hoot
  • L13 Psyduck
  • L10 Abra
  • L12 Jigglypuff
  • L10 Ditto
  • L12 Yanma

  • Route 36: 2AF4Bh

    04A5 0410 0545 053A 0510 0610 0610 | 0410 0410 0545 053A 0510 0610 0610 | 04A7 04A3 0545 05A3 05A3 055C 055C | 0A04 1919 19

  • L4 Ledyba
  • L4 Pidgey
  • L5 Bellsprout
  • L5 Growlithe
  • L5 Pidgey
  • L6 Pidgey
  • L6 Pidgey
  • Day:
  • L4 Pidgey
  • L4 Pidgey
  • L5 Bellsprout
  • L5 Growlithe
  • L5 Pidgey
  • L6 Pidgey
  • L6 Pidgey
  • Night:
  • L4 Spinarak
  • L4 Hoot Hoot
  • L5 Bellsprout
  • L5 Hoot Hoot
  • L5 Hoot Hoot
  • L5 Gastly
  • L5 Gastly

  • Route 37: 2AF7Ah

    0DA5 0E3A 0F10 103A 0F11 0FA6 0FA6 | 0D10 0E3A 0F10 103A 0F11 0F10 0F10 | 0DA7 0EEA 0FA3 10EA 0FA4 0FA8 0FA8 | 010C 1919 19

  • L13 Ledyba
  • L14 Growlithe
  • L15 Pidgey
  • L16 Growlithe
  • L15 Pidgeotto
  • L15 Ledian
  • L15 Ledian
  • Day:
  • L13 Pidgey
  • L14 Growlithe
  • L15 Pidgey
  • L16 Growlithe
  • L15 Pidgeotto
  • L15 Pidgey
  • L15 Pidgey
  • Night:
  • L13 Spinarak
  • L14 Stantler
  • L15 Hoot Hoot
  • L16 Stantler
  • L15 Noct.Owl
  • L15 Ariados
  • L15 Ariados

  • Route 38: 2AFA9h

    1013 1014 1051 1011 0D80 0DF1 0DF1 | 1013 1014 1051 1011 0D80 0DF1 0DF1 | 1034 1014 1051 10A4 1034 1034 1034 | 010D 0505 05

  • L16 Rattata
  • L16 Raticate
  • L16 Magnemite
  • L16 Pidgeotto
  • L13 Tauros
  • L13 Milktank
  • L13 Milktank
  • Day:
  • L16 Rattata
  • L16 Raticate
  • L16 Magnemite
  • L16 Pidgeotto
  • L13 Tauros
  • L13 Miltank
  • L13 Miltank
  • Night:
  • L16 Meowth
  • L16 Raticate
  • L16 Magnemite
  • L16 Noct.Owl
  • L16 Meowth
  • L16 Meowth
  • L16 Meowth

  • Route 39: 2AFD8h

    1013 1014 1051 1011 0FF1 0F80 0F80 | 1013 1014 1051 1011 0FF1 0F80 0F80 | 1034 1014 1051 10A4 1234 1234 1234 | 0205 1919 19

  • L16 Rattata
  • L16 Raticate
  • L16 Magnemite
  • L16 Pidgeotto
  • L15 Miltank
  • L15 Tauros
  • L15 Tauros
  • Day:
  • L16 Rattata
  • L16 Raticate
  • L16 Magnemite
  • L16 Pidgeotto
  • L15 Miltank
  • L15 Tauros
  • L15 Tauros
  • Night:
  • L16 Meowth
  • L16 Raticate
  • L16 Magnemite
  • L16 Noct.Owl
  • L18 Meowth
  • L18 Meowth
  • L18 Meowth